Virginia Statewide Day Of Mourning
Orange and Maroon Day
The Governor of our state, Tim Kaine, has declared tomorrow, Friday April 20, as a Statewide Day of Mourning in honor of all of the students and faculty that were killed and injured at Virginia Tech. Virginia Tech alumni are asking everybody to show their support by wearing the school colors of Maroon and Orange and Governor Kaine has requested everyone in Virginia to pause at noon on Friday to offer prayers of support for the victims, their families, and for all those affected by this tragedy.

Mr. P is a graduate of Virginia Tech and Miss Bonnie has many, many friends that attend there. We will proudly wear the colors and will be praying for all of the people who were affected by this horrible event. In honor of this day I will not be blogging.
Much love,
Susan P.
That is a beautiful memorial for those who lost their lives. I have been and will continue to pray for the families. And for yours.
Blessings and hugs,
What a sweet, sweet memorial. My thoughts and prayers are still with all that were affected. Hugs,
I have also been praying for the families. What a beautiful memorial.
I am praying too..
With you in prayer and spirit.
My heart and prayers are with everyone touched by this tragedy.
With Love, Andrea
Susan, I know you folks in VA are really feeling the pain over this loss. Our thoughts and prayers are with you.
Southern Hospitality
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