For The Love Of Jane Austen
I have been waiting impatiently for the movie about Jane Austen's early life entitled, Becoming Jane, to be released. I adore her writing and I am so excited to see the movie when it is released here in the United States. It is supposed to be coming to the U.S. sometime this summer but only in limited release. Sounds familiar, doesn't it? Remember Miss Potter??? Mmm . . I don't know about you but I could watch Pride and Prejudice over and over again (which I do:) Not only do I adore the writing I equally adore the costuming and scenery! "Oh, if only they would make more movies like this." Sigh.....
I'm a HUGE Jane fan too (would that make us 'Janies'...sort of like the term 'Trekkies'? Or would we be 'Janites'? Or 'Austenites'? LOL Whatever!!! I haven't heard of this movie...I'll have to check it out. When I finally felt a little better on Thursday night, I watched an old version of Emma. But P&P...well, my girls and I have to have a regular dose of Lizzie and Darcy quite often or we go into withdrawals! LOL I finally checked out the newest version from the library a couple of weeks ago, and it was okay. But I still like the Colin and Jennifer version best! No comparison in *my* book!
Hope you are having a blessed weekend!
Miss Potter never did come here. I'm hoping to see it on DVD. I was thankful that ONE movie theater showed Amazing Grace...only one. My daughter thinks they have the kind of movies they do because we are a university town.
So much for good taste (for we get slasher movies, blow 'em up movies, movies that show way too much flesh, etc.)
My favorite "Jane" film is Persuasion, although I love all the others "almost" as much. :)
Ooo - this sounds good! Oh the girls and I watched the A&E version of P&P this week ~ in fact, we have to watch the last hour of it today! I'll keep an eye out for Becoming Jane, but chances are if I see it -- it'll be on DVD. (We pretty much never go to the movies!) :o)
I love watching Pride and Prejudice over and over again too. :0) I'm trying to wait patiently for Miss Potter to come out on DVD!
"Becoming Jane" is NOT a true story of Jane's life.
You have been warned. :)
We just bought the audio version of Pride and Prejudice for my iPod. I could just put it on continuous play and be a very happy camper ;-) Can't wait for the movie!
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