The Lucky Nut
My Grammy was of Danish heritage so as a young girl I was privileged to partake in many Danish customs. One custom that we celebrated every year was what was called the "lucky New Year's nut." On New Year's day my Grammy would make bake rice pudding. Somewhere throughout the rice pudding she had placed a single nut. The legend says that if you are the fortunate one to find the nut in your rice pudding then you will have wonderful luck the for the new year.
My Grammy made her rice pudding in individual dishes and so we were each allowed to pick the one we wanted. Little did we know that my little sister had snuck in the kitchen, dug through each rice pudding dish with her hand (yuk;) in an effort to find the lucky nut. After she found the nut she very carefully arranged each individual pudding with her hand again (yuk;) Well, the time came for us to choose our pudding dish and the youngest family member got to go first. My sister excitedly grabbed the pudding of her choice. Any guess as to who got the lucky nut?!!!
Here's wishing all my dear blog friends will find the lucky nut tomorrow;)
Much love and Happy New Year's Eve,
Susan P.
That is such an adorable story and what a fun memory for your family.
Happy New Year!
Wishing you God's best in the coming year! :)
Oh how funny! And what a sweet memory. (o:
Bets, you know I love you, I just couldn't resist;)!!!
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