Do you ever wish you could look into the future? I think my answer would have to be a yes/no. I am a planner by nature, so in some ways it would be good to know what was coming down the pike. On the other hand, I do like surprises, but only if they are good;) Well, over my blogging hiatus I got one of the biggest "surprises" of my life, and let me tell you, it was not good. It was one of those "hit you in your gut" kind of surprises that just about rips your heart out.
As I gaze upon the beauty of my Christmas tree this year, I can't help but think what a difference a year has made. Last Christmas as I was gazing upon this same tree, I was filled with great anticipation, because I anxiously awaiting the birth of my first grandchild. My heart was overflowing, filled with hope and excitement. This year is different. My heart hurts. It is filled with sadness.
If I had been able to look into the future I would have told you that I could never bear what I would be facing. But, as I look at our nativity, I am reminded that my heart can still be filled with hope. This year my heart can still be filled with joy and anticipation because I will be celebrating another baby's birth. The babe that was born in a manger. The babe that would grow up and carry me when I thought I could no longer walk.
If you are facing great trials, sadness or heartache my prayer is that you will be able to find hope, too. The point of my post is not to bring you down or feel sorry for me. The point is that I want you to know that even through great trials you still has a Savior who loves you. That sweet baby boy born in the manger can bring you hope when you feel like all hope is lost. He can carry you, too, all you have to do is call on Him.
"I know not what the future holds, but I know who holds the future." Author unknown
Dearest Susan....though I only know you thru your blog, I feel like you are a friend. My heart aches for the sadness you are experiencing right now. Thanks for your encouraging reminder that our Saviour is bigger than our circumstances. Have a blessed Christmas season.
I'm so sorry that you're going through something so painful. This post blessed my heart, thank you for being such an encouragement during such a hard time.
Many Blessings,
God IS good and God DOES good!! Whatever you are going through, THANK THE LORD you can go to Him!!! Can you imagine trying to face a trial apart from Him? True sadness, indeed!!
I will be praying for you and your family, friend!! Please let me know if there is anything I can do.
Mrs. U
((Hugs)) to you, Susan. Wish I was there to give you a real one! Praying that the Lord will comfort you as only He can.
BTW, I just noticed we have the same Christmas template. Great minds think alike. :)
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