Happy 1st Birthday, Benjamin!
Our precious grandson Benjamin turns one today! I could have never guessed in a million years how much joy and happiness he would bring to our lives. The Lord has truly given us one of life's most precious blessings! There is not a day that goes by that we don't thank him for this wonderful "gift."
The "Birthday Boy!" Look at those chubby little cheeks ~ couldn't you just pinch them;)
He is such a sweety.
Although I have four grandchildren (number five on the way), Stephanie's little Matthew has a special place in Grammie's heart.
He also has those chubby cheeks and I just love to kiss them. But he is already beginning to outgrow his toddler stage.
Happy Birthday to Benjamin. What a cutie he is.
Awww.....Yes, his cheeks are quite pinchable! (o:
Happy Birthday to a little *cutie pie*!!
Happy birthday, indeed!!!!! Can it already be a year since he's been born?? OH MY!!!!
Mrs. U
Oh, I just love chubby, little baby cheeks - so kissable! Happy Birthday to Benjamin. (And I'm with Mrs. U - I can't believe it's already been a year!)
Awe, can't believe your grandson is a year old already!
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