The Life Of A Blog
In the blog world we see blogs come and go. Some blogs touch our hearts in a special way, and we feel a warm and loving connection with the writer. Other blogs offer wonderful decorating advice, and still others give us a nice chuckle to brighten our day. We rejoice with our blog friends during times of joy, and we shed tears and pray for them in times of sorrow.
I feel so incredibly blessed to have been a part of this wonderful community and I will cherish the wonderful friendships that I have made along the way. As much as I have loved blogging, for various reasons my heart is telling me it is time to move on. If you have been reading my blog for any length of time, then you know I'm the kind of person that needs to listen to her heart. The life of "A Place Called Home" will end, but rest assured that in my real home I will still be Susan P, the women who adores her Mr. P, who is the proud Mama of sweet Miss Bonnie, her brave firefighter son Gerry, and last but not least, the blessed Nana to precious little Benjamin. And finally, with the Lord's help, I will continue to make our "Place Called Home" a most loving and cozy place for all who enter in. May God richly bless each one of you.
Much love,
Susan P.
God Bless you Susan. I understand. These blogs have a way of creeping in and stealing away too much of our present "reality" time, don't they?
I've enjoyed your blog and wish you much happiness in your future endeavors. . . as a wife, mother, grandma and keeper of the home.
Your blog has been a bright spot in my life. Please keep in touch! :)
Susan, I just discovered your blog a few weeks ago. While I completely understand your decision and wish you the best in everything, I am wondering if your blog will remain open for a time so that I can go back and read your archives?
Thanks so much!
Dear Susan,
It has been a pleasure to visit with you over the time you've had your sweet blog. I will miss you, but completely understand where you're coming from.
I hope you keep in touch.
Much Love to You and Your dear Family,
Your blog was a blessing to me and I loved all the things you shared about your home and life. I will greatly miss you and may God continue to bless you and your family!
Oh, I will miss your lovely posts and photos! I agree with Mrs. C-- your blog truly has been a bright spot in my days. God bless you exceeding abundantly!
Susan, I have loved reading your blog and seeing your house in photos, but understand your decision. I wish you much happiness and may God bless you every day! Paula (amishwoman49 @ hotmail.com)
Hi Susan, I feel sad that you are leaving the blog world, but I do understand. I do look at you like a wonderful friend and I will miss you and your family and home. You do have my email address, I would love hearing from you from time to time. Many blessing to you and your family.
Sharon K
Lovely blog, may all things good come to you and yours.
I have only one request and that is that you would leave your blog up for a few days so that we can re-read our favorite posts and look again at all the wonderful picutures you have posted. I cannot tell you how many times I have read your blog over and over. God bless you as you follow His ways in all that you do.
Much Love
Donna C
It has been a pleasure stopping by to visit. I wish you the best!
I understand completely and you will be missed. You are a dear friend and I hope you will stay in touch. (((hugs)))
I will miss you! :) Please continue to stop by and keep in touch!
Thank you for sharing a glimpse of your life. I have enjoyed the opportunity to visit with you.
God bless.
Many blessings to you and your family! Thank you for all of your encouraging words.
I understand, and I'll miss you!
I am selfish--I don't want you to go--I will miss you!
Susan ~ My bloglines won't be the same when A Place Called Home doesn't pop up anymore. You will definitely be missed!! Thank you for all the wonderful posts you have written.
But...seeing as we're in the same state and only a little over 2 hours from each other...you have an open invitation to drive over the mountain to visit anytime!
Dear Susan,
I will miss your thought provoking posts and encouraging words! I understand that you must follow what the Lord puts on your heart, but your presence at 'A Place Called Home' will be SOOOOO missed! You have spurred me on, inspired me, encouraged me, motivated me, and blessed my heart beyond words! You've never been afraid to stand up for what's right, and that has always really impressed me.
Let's do keep in touch and please stop by for a 'visit' when you can! I pray the Lord's richest blessings on you and yours! You're a dear, dear friend!
Lots of hugs and prayers,
Amy O.
I just found your blog within the past month. I'm sorry to see you go, you'll be missed.
Good luck in all your future endeavors.
You'll be greatly missed! May God bless you and your family greatly.
Oh Susan, I was sad to read that you have decided not to continue with your blog. However, I can see how that time could come. Just wanted to let you know that I have enjoyed reading your posts and knowing another blue and yellow gal.
I wish you all the best.
We understand.
All the best to you!
Sigh. I do understand, but I will be SO sad to not "see" you. I've learned so much from you, but the "real world" needs you more. :)
Will you keep this blog up so that we can still get recipes? If not, let me know so that I can be sure and copy them all before they leave!!!!
Blessings to your family!!!!!!
Mrs. U
((Susan)) ~ I'm just now seeing your announcement (I've not been around much myself of late!). You will be missed, dear friend, but I do understand. Enjoy your precious family and that absolutely adorable grandson. Hugs and blessings to you!
I love your blog and I hope you will reconsider your decision to stop blogging in the near future.
I will miss you!
I know there will come a day when I must do the same. Not, yet... there is more to say... but someday.
You have made our world a more cheerful place. :)
I have enjoyed your blog so much! Your devotion to your husband and family has meant so much to this young mom!! I pray that God will continue to bless you! You will be missed!
I have been reading your blog for a long time and have really enjoyed it. I've started reading it from the beginning again. I hope you leave it up. Who knows, you may want to go back to it some day. You will be missed.
Although I have anaot commented often you surely know that you have touch me each and everytime I have stopped by. You are an inspiration to so many. May you be blessed on your journey as you continue to be a wonderful wife, mother, and grandmother....God Bless You
Thank you for sharing your life with us. I haven't been by for awhile and found you have retired. I enjoyed your blog and thank you for your time and talent. May the Lord richly bless you and your family. We have been blessed by your place called home. Warmly, Cynthia
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