A Sad Tale
Names have been changed to protect the "not so innocent!"
Let's set the scene:
Husband and wife are getting ready for bed. Husband is cold natured, wife is not. Once settled in bed husband tucks covers tightly around face.
Wife: What's the matter?
Husband: I can't seem to warm up~ it's freezing in here. (husband has flannel pajamas on) Put's cold feet on wife.
Wife: Hmm, I'm not cold at all.
Wife thinks a minute.
Wife: Why don't you put on a pair of socks?
Husband: I would but there aren't any clean ones . . . . . .
Wife: (Complete and utter silence) . . . .
Fade to black.
OUCH, OUCH, OUCH! The aforementioned dear husband had no clean socks to warm his cold feet because the aforementioned wife didn't stick to a schedule and do laundry like she should. You might be asking why? Well, from what I've been told, the aformentioned wife had much more important things to tend to such as crafting, talking on the phone, and watching favorite television shows. Upon further contemplation, she realized that the greatest amount of her time was spent on the computer, thinking all the while, "I'll get to that later." Well, later did come, it came in the form of a very dear man with cold feet and no clean socks to warm them.
From all I've been told, this experience has taught the wife a most valuable lesson. Priorities need to be shifted, schedules need to be kept, and most importantly, husbands with cold feet should ALWAYS have warm clean socks to wear.
Hmmm, sounds a little familiar to something I MAY have heard of before! :)
Sure do love your new blog look!
Happy Monday :)
Susan ~ what a fun blog post! LOL!
What a cute tale. Love your new header!
I just deleted my comment because after I read other peoples comments I thought I must have misunderstood the story?
At least his underwear drawer wasn't empty! :) That happened to my hubby in our newleywed days. ((blushing))
Mrs. C
Oh my, I can't imagine what she was thinking! I've never done that!! Well, yes I have. Your new header and changes to your blog are wonderful. ~Adrienne~
This sounds like a page out of my book. Thankfully it doesn't happen to often.
Love your new header...very sweet. Linda
So sorry I don't know what happened my comment posted 3 times. Linda
I love your new look... someone in your household is certainly smart when it comes to designing blogs...
I would say that Mrs. Wife...needs to throw in a load of wash before she sits down to blog... because once she sits..(only for one moment)... she will be there for at least an hour or longer...
time really flies when you are reading blogs!!
thank you for changing my name to protect my innocence.:0)
Susan, this is my first time to comment on your blog. I've been reading and enjoying your blog for sometime now. This post was so funny and really hit home for me. LOL
Oh dear!!! Have you been in my home lately???
Mrs. U
LOL ~ You always make me smile, Susan! :o)
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