It's Almost Here!
If you are like me you have been anxiously awaiting for the movie Miss Potter to come out on DVD. Well ladies, the wait is almost over!! Mark your calendars for Tuesday, May 8 and you can go and pick this "gem" up! As you know, in the past we have talked about the lack of wonderful family films out there for us to enjoy. Do you know that one reviewer actually had the gall to say, "this is a movie for mothers and daughters who have too much time on their hands." Can you believe it? I was absolutely furious when I read that. I guess that particular reviewer thinks it's a perfectly wonderful family pastime to go and view movies filled with hatred, sex, and violence. I just don't get it. Okay, rant over ;o) If you want to learn more about this movie you can go here. Wouldn't it be fun if we all rented it at the same time and we could have a "virtual movie party!" Let the corn "popping" begin!!
If you are like me you have been anxiously awaiting for the movie Miss Potter to come out on DVD. Well ladies, the wait is almost over!! Mark your calendars for Tuesday, May 8 and you can go and pick this "gem" up! As you know, in the past we have talked about the lack of wonderful family films out there for us to enjoy. Do you know that one reviewer actually had the gall to say, "this is a movie for mothers and daughters who have too much time on their hands." Can you believe it? I was absolutely furious when I read that. I guess that particular reviewer thinks it's a perfectly wonderful family pastime to go and view movies filled with hatred, sex, and violence. I just don't get it. Okay, rant over ;o) If you want to learn more about this movie you can go here. Wouldn't it be fun if we all rented it at the same time and we could have a "virtual movie party!" Let the corn "popping" begin!!
HI Susan,
I am so glad there are some who still have morals left; there is no way I could watch most movies.
I love your blog and get on it first before any others most of the time.
Enjoy your time in Kentucky; hope the weather is nice for you.
Oh I can't wait!! I've been wanting to see this but the theaters are SOOO over priced!! May 8 is coming up!!! :)
Mrs. U
Oh, I can't wait! Thank you so much for letting me know the date! That is just awful about what the one reviewer said...good grief!! Anyways, a virtual movie party sounds fun, let me know when you watch it!!
Wow, it sure made it to DVD quickly!!! The movie never even made an appearance in our theaters here, at least not that I noticed. Thanks for letting me know it will be available for rent/sale soon.
I've had that movie in my netflix queue forever. Netflix says it isn't on dvd until June 19th though. I hope they're wrong! :)
Oh, Susan, I'm going to be looking for it. Thanks for the heads up! :o)
I had never heard of this movie until I read it here. The movie trailer is wonderful and now I can hardly wait to see it.
It does look charming.
I can't wait to buy it. I'm anxious to share it with my dear, little 84-year-old mother who has been a Beatrix Potter fan forever! It will be a wonderful treat to watch it again and again.
Thank you for reminding us that it's available.
I went to rent this movie today and its true that it won't be released until June 18. :(
I thought it would be a great Mother's Day treat. Oh well, I will just keep looking forward to it!!!
Mrs. L
Hi Susan, I'm new to your blog and have enjoyed reading through your posts. Thanks for the "heads up" on this movie. I had wanted to see it in the theater, but it was only out for a few weeks at a theater very far from our home. I have it in our Netflix queue. I noticed on your profile that we share an interest in reading cookbooks and Elizabeth George books! Sounds also like we are in the same "stage" of life...parenting adult children. Good Job on a nice blog! Blessings, Diane
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