"I'm Leaving On A Jet Plane"
In reality it's a car, I just like the title;o)
In reality it's a car, I just like the title;o)
& A Giveaway!!
These past few weeks have certainly been busy around our household. This weekend will be no exception because I will be leaving to go back to Kentucky to stay with my dear Mama. She had to have knee replacement surgery and combining that with her Alzheimer's she will need constant care for awhile. I wish y'all lived closer because I just know that y'all would organize a "casserole" patrol to keep poor Mr. P fed so he wouldn't go hungry;o) How do I know that? I just do!!
To keep things a little "interesting" while I am gone I thought I would have a little giveaway! I think I might be able to squeeze a little bit of time to visit that tea room I told y'all about and who knows what "goodies" I will come up with! All you have to do is leave a comment while I'm gone. That's it. When I return I will post the prize and the winner!

With much love,
Susan P.
Oh!! I will be praying for your mother!!! I KNOW it is hard to see our parents aging, isn't it? They are supposed to be tough, strong and unbreakable- at least, that's how I viewed my parents when I was a child.
I do hope you create more good memories with her while you are visiting with her. :)
Mrs. U
You are so sweet to do the gift thing.
I chuckled at the "casserole". I know exactly what you mean. We had two sister-in-law's die a little over a year ago and the widowers make jokes about being run over by the "casserole brigade". Is that just a southern thing? There are from Tennessee.
Best wishes for your mom.
Best wishes to your mom........
Your mom is very blessed to have such a loving, caring daughter! I hope that your mom's health improves in the coming days.
You'll be missed! :-)
Charlie had a knee replacement and it is a tough surgery... I will say a prayer for your mother and one for you....the care giver. Hugs to the both of you.
Susan, you will be a blessing helping out. I just returned home after 2 weeks of helping my mom out, and she couldn't stop saying what a blessing I was--although I didn't feel that I did anything unusual.
Have a safe and encouraging time away.
Oh my, I just got back, and now you're leaving. I feel like I've not "seen" my friends here in so long!
I hope you have a safe and wonderful trip, and that your mother is doing well. Have fun at the tea room, too! ;0)
Yes, a casserole would be in order if i lived closer to you! Maybe even a salad, too!
Blessings and hugs!
You are right, Susan...I would be dropping off a pan of lasagne to Mr. P! :0)
I know you will take such good care of your mama and I will be keeping the both of you in my thoughts and prayers! The giveaway is a wonderful idea, thank you!
I know your Mama will be so happy to have you there. But Mr P will really miss you. I will pray for you all. Have fun in the tea room again, and maybe you will taste a little plant on your food this time? :-) It would probably please your sister.
I hope when I am old woman that my DD will come take of me too!
Bless you.
Praying for your mom's quick recovery and for a safe journey for you. I hope that your visit is a lovely one, Susan!
It's not just a southern thing to do the casserole deal....one of the ladies at my church recently had a baby and they, literally, ran out of freezer space for all of the food that was sent!!
Okay, also praying for Mr. P while you are away...he'll be lonesome for his Mrs., I'm sure.
you are sweet to stay with your mom. Bless your heart.
Have a great time. MR. P will be fine, Im sure. The men always are.:)
Although be prepared for plenty of laundry!
please put my name in!
Have a wonderful visit with your mother! I'm sure that you cherish every moment with her. :)
Yes, I would be on casserole patrol for Mr. P! Enjoy your time with your Mother.
I love your blog! I like the redesign you gave it as well. Beautiful! Please enter me in the givaway.
I just found your blog and it is really lovely. I will be visiting it often.
I also am a Christian and will be saying prayers for your mother. I lost my mom to complications of Alzheimer's so I understand what you are going through and will go through in the future.
Hi, Susan, I've enjoyed reading your blog.
Have a safe trip.
Patty H.
Dear Susan,
Enjoy your time with your mother and traveling mercies for you and Miss Bonnie!
Blessings and hugs,
Miss you already!
Safe travels and an enjoyable time with your mother. I will pray for your mom, that her surgery goes well.
Cherish the time with your Mother! I look forward to reading your blog when you get back!
God Bless0
Lori (OH)
I'm praying for your Mom. You will be a great blessing to her at this time.
I really enjoy reading your writing.
Chicken Pot Pie is my usual casserole, but wouldn't be too good mailed from Colorado.
I am so glad that you're able and willing to help your mom. I do pray that it will be a wonderful time together and that you will have fond memories of this time together.
Know as you sip your tea we are all there in spirit with you.
I found your blog after reading Mrs. U's blog. Thank you for this opportunity, and I will be praying for you as you travel to your mom's side.
Terrye in FL
Oh, Susan, it seems we are taking our breaks opposite of each other! I hope you have a safe trip, your mom is very lucky to have such a sweet daughter to help her out. Praying for your safety and her recovery! Thanks for the movie recommendation, it looks like one of the few good ones that still come out, and oh, my...that dessert, well, I'm drooling:)
I wish you a lovely time with your mother while she recouperates. Saying a prayer for her swift healing...
What a precious time you will have with your mother! Enjoy this time with her.
Blessings to Mr. P. while you are away, as well.
Miss Susan - I hope you have a safe trip and that it is a sweet time with your Mama even through the hardships.
I would LOVE to enter your drawing!!! Thanks for the fun idea!
I often think of you as my Titus Mama! Have a blessed day!
Susan, If I lived in the great State of Virgina (I know it is a great state because Mom is from there!) I would drop off a dish and a dessert!
I hope you have an enjoyable visit with your Mama and that she recovers from her surgery quickly.
I would love to be entered in your drawing. Such fun! ~ Wendi
Dear Susan, You'll be missed while you're gone! Your dear Mom is in my prayers...God bless.
Love, Kim
Oh, Susan, praying for your mom! I agree with Sharon Kay - from what I've seen knee replacement is a big deal. Hugs to you and your mom, and thinking of Mr. P - I'm sure he'll be missing you.
OH, I definately would have made a casserole for you !!! Have a safe trip Susan, hoping your Mama feels better real soon!!
I hope your mom recovers quickly. (o:
I hope your mom is better soon. Sending Mr. P a virtual chicken pot pie.
How sweet of you, to think of a giveaway while preparing to help your mother! I hope that things go easily with her surgery, and that you all are able to also have a nice visit. Blessings to you both!
My Dad has Alzheimers as well as my mother's two older sisters. It is such a devastating thing. Today I will pray for you and your Mom.
I will be praying for you and your mother. I know it's not easy to see them get older and lose the vitality they once had. But I'm glad you can be there and care for her.
Mrs. S.
I haven't been here in a little while, but always enjoy it when I visit!
Always a treat to read your blog. I am praying as well as your other readers...reminds me not to take my mother for granted and visit more.
Love, Peggy
Have a lovely time visiting Kentucky. If you have time to get away to a horse farm tour, this time of year the babies are a few months old and SO CUTE! Enjoy and travel safely.
Hi Susan,
Just wanted to pop in to say hello and wish you a very Happy Mother's Day...even if you get this belatedly!
Praying for your Mother and you! Take care!
Have a very blessed time!
Tea room...did someone say tea room?
Will be thinking of you and your Mother. Treasure each day with her. My Mother passed away 15 years ago and I miss her.....
Please enter my name in your give away......
God Bless.
I will be praying for you, for your family and for your mother.
God Bless,
I found your blog through another blog...and another blog...and of course another blog! I am so happy I did, as I LOVE it! I do pray that your mom does well, and that you enjoy your time with her. How Blessed she is to have you to care for her!
Hi Susan,
Just wanted to pop in and let you know I was thinking of you. I pray your mother is doing well and you are having a sweet visit with her.
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