April 30, 2007

The Pleasure Of Tea Time
After a most hectic week last week it feels so good to get back to the normal pace of life. One of my favorite things to do is to have a nice cup of tea while reading a book. It is such a relaxing and enjoyable pastime for me.
I was so happy to find this beautiful tea cup while thrifting this past weekend. I just love the Victorian ladies displayed on the cup and saucer. It will be such a treat to slow down my pace a little and sit down enjoy a nice cup of tea. Along with my tea I will be reading this book I just got that is written by Emilie Barnes entitled, Everything I Know I Learned Over Tea. Don't you just love that title? "Ah, a few quiet moments to myself, a hot cup of tea, and a good book ~ sounds perfect to me!"


Candy said...

Very pretty tea cup! I love this book too :)

Kelli said...

Your new tea cup is lovely, Susan! I wish I could join you for tea. :0)

theups said...

The tea cup is beautiful!! Don't you just love those kind of surprise finds!! :)

And I agree- that DOES sound very relaxing, indeed!

Mrs. U

Mindy said...

Such a dainty lil tea cup...:) I have enjoyed reading Emilie Barnes' books...enjoy my friend!

Susan said...

Love the emerald green of the cup. Enjoy that cup of tea!!!

Anonymous said...

I always know my daughter needs to talk when she comes home and asks if we can sit down for tea. It is a "code" for needing to talk to her mommy! The cup and saucer are beautiful!