As we are upon the anniversary of September 11 let us all look back and remember. May we never forget the the tremendous amount of loss of life and sacrifice. We only live 2 hours from Washington D.C. and Mr. P. works for the Department of Defense. I remember calling him on the phone crying and begging him to come home because I was so afraid for his safety. He told me he had to stay because it was his job and he needed to be there more than ever. At the time I was very upset with him but looking back his dedication fills me with pride. I remember going and getting my daughter from school. The sky was so blue and beautiful and it was hard to fathom the horror that was taking place in our country. As we were going to the car a plane flew by and I looked up and I felt terror fill me. I remembered thinking we could be in great danger, this could be the enemy, and I didn't even know who the enemy was. I never imagined I would be afraid like that in our country.

My son was 17 years old at the time and he saw the great sacrifices that the people in uniform made. It is the reason he is a Firefighter today. We all clung to each other and prayed a lot that day and I also think we all lost a lot of our innocence. May we never forget those that made the ultimate sacrifice and also the families whose Mommy's and Daddy's never came home. May God Bless America.
graphic courtesy of Lisa's Country Clipart
God bless your son, and many other young men, who have made career decisions based on what they saw that day. It's nice to know that there are still heroes!
That is a great story!
Cheers to your Son!
My Son and Husband joined the reserves. I am sure it has alot to do with that day too.
Thanks for posting an I remember.
I also want to tell you that your site layout is wonderful! My Son the Web Designer would say your site is perfect. Not too much clutter. Unlike my own.
My remember is up
Thanks so much for sharing! You must be so proud of you husband and son. I for one certainly appreciate their dedication.
Copper's wife, thank you, they are my heroes:)
Rachel, thank you so much for visiting and sharing your touching post as well.
Lynn, thanks so much for the compliment! All the credit goes to my daughter Miss Bonnie, she did the entire site for me!!
Jessica, thank you so much for visiting and also for your very kind words!
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