Google Gone Wrong!
I'm not ashamed to admit that I do check my site meter occasionally. Okay, maybe more than occasionally;) Sometimes I like to check referrals to see how people found me. As I was checking yesterday I noticed someone had found me through a google search. I checked the search and they were looking for "a bag of leaves." A couple posts back I did a post on Autumn decorating and talked about having bought a bag of Autumn leaves. Upon checking the other sites that came on the google search it was apparent that wasn't the kind of "leaves" he or she was interested in. At first I didn't know what they were talking about but let me just say this, they were looking for something you smoke, not rake! They decided to stay only 1 second at my little blog and I thought it was too bad they hadn't lingered a little longer. I think this is a very good example to us all that the internet can be used for good as well as bad. It is my prayer that the person never found the "bag of leaves" he or she was looking for but instead found a God honoring blog where they might have found what they truly needed. On a final note, please let me assure you that the only kind of leaves you will find at A Place Called Home are the kind that you brew for tea and the kind that fall from the tree:) Y'all have a great weekend!
This brought a smile to my face, but on a serious note, to see the difference in the way we Christians look at worldly things is a lesson to behold. The way you didn't judge, you immediately prayed for that person to see God in your blog (and perhaps return for more!) I love all that you wrote, the way you turned a negative into a positive, and uplifted us with a chuckle!
Now I'm off to have my bag of leaves - tea leaves that is! Nothing better to calm and soothe us!
Ah yes, isn't it interesting what sorts of folks visit our blogs sometimes?
Amazing what can be found on the internet! Bless the Lord they found you instead!!!
Blessings to you....Mind
Thank you for sharing this, and for praying for that person. It is heartbreaking, and sometimes a bit sickening, to see what sorts of searches people run that bring them to our little places in the blogosphere; but I like to think that perhaps a seed or two gets planted in their lives in the second or two they visit.
Very interesting!! The only "bags of leaves" around here are the drinking kind too! LOL
I check my site meter, too. Even though I started my blog as a ministry and told the Lord He could bring whom He wanted...I still count!
Ladies, thank you for letting me share that. I think to some point we have all had that experience since blogging.
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