My Mama was diagnosed with Alzheimers Disease last May. I had written a previous post about it entitled "A Moment To Remember." Since that initial diagnosis we have seen a big decline in her fuctioning abilities. We have cried many tears over this situation but I realize there is nothing that we can do to change it. I have decided I can either look at the situation with negative thoughts and emotions or I can try to look at the situation with a heart of love and see things in a different way. The following are some examples of what my Mama can no longer do but how I can choose to see it through a heart of love:
She can no longer tell time. "She will enjoy and appreciate every minute of her life and not be a clock watcher."
She calls me on the phone expecting to get someone else."I get to hear my Mama's sweet voice and she is happy to chat , she doesn't care who she is talking with."
She feeds the dog the cat food all the time. " The dog doesn't care as long as he gets something to eat and a nice "pat" on the head."
She repeats the same things over and over and over. "God is showing me how to develop patience and understanding."
She misplaces things constantly and puts things in very unusual places. This past year we found part of the artificial Christmas tree in her big file cabinet. "Sense of humor can see you through a lot. It is okay to laugh."
Most of the time she is very bewildered and confused. "Thank you God that you have created our family so we can take care of her."
She needs her hand held when we are out walking. "She held my hand as a child now it's my turn to hold hers. She was always there for me and now it is my turn to be there for her."
She sometimes feels "lost" in her own backyard. "She watched me play in the backyard when I was a child, now it is my turn to watch her."
Everyday is a challenge for her. "Everyday is an opportunity for us as a family to help her with those challenges."
She has no idea how Alzheimers Disease is affecting her life and the lives of her family members. "Sometimes ignorance is bliss."
But. . . . . . . . . . .
The most important thing that my sweet MAMA CAN STILL DO IS GIVE AND RECEIVE LOVE! "What a blessing that is for us all."

Susan, thank you for sharing your heartache with us. You are such a positive person and this is good for us to read. I can't empathize with you since I've never been in this situation and never will be, my dear mother passed away several years ago at age 75. What an example you have given us.
Dear Susan, That was very touching. It really spoke to my heart. We do have a choice to become bitter or better with each trial we may face. {{{Hugs}}} ~*Kim*~
Thank you so much for sharing this with us. I needed it today.
Susan, what a special post you have written. I have only dealt with this a little and not on an on-going basis. My mom is going thru it with her husband who is 90. Last week he put dog food in their cereal bowls, and he only knows her as "the woman who comes to help him" and not as his wife. Sad.
So I know how hard some of the things you mentioned can be just from listening to my mom. Having a positive outlook and depending on the Lord are ways to get through each day for sure! Thanks for sharing.
Susan, this must be so hard for you and your family ~ yet everyday you have with your Mom is such a blessing. I think I miss my Mom more everyday. Sending you hugs...
Susan, your words brought tears to my eyes. What an amazing woman you are. You have chosen to look at the postive things and what a blessing you are to your mom. I know you love her so very much. (((HUGS))) to you.
This is such a sweet and touching post. Thanks for sharing with us- love the sweet picture!
Jennifer R.
Susan, Thank you for sharing this. I have just resumed contact with my best-friend-from-forever and her mother has severe Alzheimer's. I'm needing to answer an e-mail from her, and your post has given me just the insight I needed. Thank you, dear one, and God bless you as you care for your mother.
Susan, so very touching, and I admire your attitude. My dear father passed away from brain cancer, and before his death, had similar symptoms to those of alzheimer's patients. While difficult to see my father slip away before my very eyes, I was so thankful for every moment he was still there to hold and touch. Bless you and your dear mother; and I love the picture too!
Susan, thank you for showing how to turn a 'cross' into a blessing. I know it is not easy for you, as my husband's mom had Alzeimers. God bless you!
My own precious Granny had Alzheimers for the last 10 years of her life, and many of the things you mentioned reminded me of her. You touched my heart and brought back some sweet memories.
Another thing that touched my heart was your mention of holding your mother's hand and watching out for her in the yard. My mother passed away when I was 16 and she was 37. I'll never know the joy of taking care of her as she ages (although I did care for her quite a bit when she was sick). Hang on to that precious hand and thank God every day that you still have her there to take care of - I know you do that already!
Ladies, I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your love and support.
Blessings to you all,
Susan P.
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