September 07, 2006

"Autumn Touches"
It's starting to look like Fall around the Home Place! I finally got the wreath finished and the basket I made last year.


Kim @ Home Is Where The Heart Is said...

Love your autumn touches, Susan! I haven't gotten anything out yet...I guess I'm holding on to summer as long as I!

G.L.H. said...

Wonderful job on the wreath and basket!


homespun living said...

Beautiful...don't you love finishing up projects!

Susan P. said...

Kim, I am just putting a few Fall touches up. It's hard to believe Fall is actually on it's way when it's almost 90 degress here today.

G.L.H. and Deb, thanks:)

Anonymous said...

Your fall things are so pretty. I just love fall colors and fall flowers and fall.... I'm stubbornly hanging onto my resolve to not put any of mine out until it's "officially" autumn. My family is conspiring against me, though. Today my 12 year old said he was going to pull the boxes of fall decorations down from the loft in the barn, just in case I needed them. LOL!! It's hard when this is the first day under 95 degrees we've had in weeks.

Kelli said...

How pretty! Your fall wreath is beautiful and I really like your fall basket!!