A New Family Member
I am happy to announce I am the proud Mama of a lambkin named Rosie! She arrived on my doorstep this very afternoon. She had quite the long journey, she came all the way from THE SPARROWS NEST! I was honored to be the winner of Mrs. Wilt's contest entitled, "My Most EmBAArrassing Moment." Along with Miss Rosie came a beautiful handwritten card by Mrs. Wilt and it even had a wax seal on the back of the envelope. It was exactly how I pictured something from Mrs. Wilt would be! True elegance and warm hospitality. Thank you so much Mrs. Wilt!
Congrats on your new addition named Rosie! I cam by way of Mrs. Wilt and I have enjoyed reading your blog...love the way you used your Grandma's napkin...great ideas...Blessings to you and yours...
How sweet Miss Rosie looks in her new home!
Congratulations! She looks lovely in her new home.
I've just had the best time reading all your posts....I've added you to my favourites, I'll definitely be back!
Mindy, I am so glad you came to visit me! Thank you so much for your kind words!
Jennifer, how do you suppose that Mrs. Wilt knew that Miss Rosie would fit right in with my decor? LOL! Your post on baby Anna touched me so.
Mrs. b, it is such a pleasure to meet you and I truly thank you for all of your kind words. You are welcome here anytime!
I came by way of Mrs. Wilt's to visit Rosie. She looks very content in her new home. I'm sure you will take good care of her.
I'm glad I did stop by becuase I am enjoying reading through your blog. I have it bookmarked so I can visit often.
Hi Susan, congratulations on having Miss Rosie as part of your family now! :)
You know ~ I have missed seeing your blog the last few days, well actually since I signed you up on my Bloglines. For some reason it hasn't told me there were new entries. I came today from a link over at Mrs. Wilt's. So I'll have to check on that to make sure I don't miss your delightful posts.
Have a great weekend.
Anne, I am so glad you found me through Mrs. Wilt's Sparrows Nest. It is certainly one of my favorite places to visit. Thank you so much for your kind words and I am honored that you have bookmarked me.
Deb, oh my gosh, I don't know why you weren't notified on Bloglines. I am such a computer "novice", Mr. P and my daughter help me a lot. Thank goodness they are patient! LOL I am so happy to have you visit again and I hope you have a blessed weekend with your family!
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