"There's Nothing Like Staying At Home For Real Comfort " Jane Austen
February 02, 2013
A Joyful Heart
Hello Dear Friends,
I don't know if any of my blog friends are still around, but if you are, I thought you would like to hear the news that my Miss Bonnie is engaged! Almost five years ago I wrote a post (with her permission, of course) about her heart that had been broken by a young man that she thought was the "one." She had me ask on her behalf for your prayers, and you all were overwhelmingly supportive of her, as I knew you would be. Believe me when I tell you that she cherished each and every prayer, word of encouragement, even some of your own personal heartbreak stories that you generously shared. So, along with the Lord's help, and time, her heart finally mended. She made a conscious decision to rejoice in her single hood, and left it up to the Lord if He saw fit to give her the gift of a mate. The next few years were spent serving Him, and just being happy in her single hood.
A year ago a very special young man came into her life, and I am so happy to share that she now wears his ring on her finger! I could tell it was going to be a different outcome this time. I think a Mama's heart somehow knows;) This young man has not only won Miss Bonnie's heart, he also has won all of ours! Brian is quite an extraordinary fellow. He has been blind since birth, so he has had to overcome some pretty big obstacles in his life. Brian never, ever lets his blindness define him. He is such a strong man of God, and he has been gifted with an amazing musical ability. He is a worship leader, and also a very accomplished musician. He uses all his talents to the glory of God! To me, the thing that makes Brian most special is that he doesn't see with his eyes, he sees with his heart! We all love him dearly, and on April 13 we will proudly welcome into our family with open arms!
Susan, It is SO GOOD to read a post from you! I have kept you in my feedreader "just in case". :) I am rejoicing with you over God's goodness in providing a life partner for Miss Bonnie.
I was thinking of you just a few days ago when I was reorganizing a box of decorations that included one of your goodies from several years back.feel free to email me sometime; I hope all is well w/you.
I am so happy you stopped by for a visit! I invite you to join me on my journey as I begin my new life as an empty nester. I feel so blessed because I will be taking this journey alongside my dear husband of 30 years, Mr. P. I am a Mama to two wonderful grown children, and a Nana to the sweetest boy in the world! Homemaking is truly my passion. I love nothing more than to "putter" around my home, trying to find ways to make it a more cozy and comfortable place to be for my family and friends. I am happiest when I have a glue gun in my hand, a pot to stir, bread to bake, flowers to arrange, sheets to hang, candles to light, and smiles to give! Life is indeed good.
I had to blink twice when I saw a new post from you!
I remember when we were all praying about the breakup but we all knew there was SOMEONE better down the road.
So happy for her! This is wonderful news.
It is SO GOOD to read a post from you! I have kept you in my feedreader "just in case". :) I am rejoicing with you over God's goodness in providing a life partner for Miss Bonnie.
I was thinking of you just a few days ago when I was reorganizing a box of decorations that included one of your goodies from several years back.feel free to email me sometime; I hope all is well w/you.
Mrs. C.
How absolutely wonderful. I am so happy for Miss. Bonnie.
God bless.
Susan ~
So happy for your precious girl! May God bless them in their life together.
Hugs to you as well!
I was on another blog and saw your blog in their sidebar with a recent post and I became so excited.
Then to pop on over and read your wonderful news was just wonderful.
I wish them all the best, they look so happy in the picture. :)
Congratulations to Miss Bonnie and Brian!!
Oh Susan!! I am soooo happy for Bonnie!! And for all of you! And Brian is blessed the most, I do believe!! Marrying your sweet Bonnie will be JOY!!
Sooo good to "see" you! Hmmm. Maybe I need to follow in your steps and blog again, too!
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