Have you ever heard of it? Until a few days ago I hadn't either. My daughter-in-law Ashley was talking about having it done at the Mall last week. The cost was ten dollars plus tip. Miss Bonnie and I are "do it yourselfer's"so we looked at the videos on the Internet and Miss Bonnie was certain she could do it. I cut her hair each month so we decided we would share our "talents" on each other!! I must admit I felt somewhat like a guinea pig, but I was pretty confident she was up for the challenge.
Now, if you look at the videos on threading it looks pretty scary, plus it looks like it would hurt a LOT! Well, I'm here to tell you that it was a lot less painful than waxing, and the results are even better, in my opinion. The best part is that is only requires one thing, and that is thread(duh;)
So, what am I talking about? Threading is a technique you use to shape and trim eyebrows! Once Miss Bonnie got familiar with the technique she was a real pro!!!!! She was working that thread like nobody's business!!! Best part? I didn't even have to leave a tip!!!!!!
I've heard of threading but have never known anyone who has tried it. Good to know that it works well. (o:
Ooh! I've never heard of this before, but if it is that quick and doesn't hurt then I'd LOVE to have it done!!!!
Mrs. U
I am going to have to find out more about this!!! Sounds interesting.
I had this done once at the salon in GA before we moved back to FL. It didn't hurt a bit, and I thought my brows looked even better than when I have them waxed.
I've noticed that there is a chain of brow salons going into the malls in our area. That's all they do-brows with threads. Go figure! You're braver than me, though. If my daughter were grown like Miss Bonnie, I might let her experiment on me. :)
How interesting! I've never heard of this. I shall have to do some research and see if it's avilable locally. Thanks!
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