Pretty Little 'Maters . . .
standing in a row! Don't you just love the vibrant colors of summer? What a gift the Lord has given us, not only are the summer fruits and vegetables delicious, they are also a delight to the eye! I love that! Okay, I'm off to get the mayo and white bread because there is some feasting to be done:)
That sounds so YUMMY!
Sounds perfect. I live in East Tn. and we are famous for our maters from Grainger county. I had a tomato on my sandwich today. God is so good!
LOOOOOVE summer fresh tomatoes!!! Sadly, our tomato plants have done HORRIBLY this year!! It's been extremely hot here plus a lack of rain. Even though we've watered, the massive heat greatly ruined our garden.
Enjoy your sandwich!! YUM!!
Mrs. U
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