November 01, 2008

This is an Eastern gray squirrel. These little guys have been especially busy in our backyard the last few weeks. I watch in fascination from my kitchen window as they retrieve a nut and then scamper down the tree to find the perfect location to hide it. This can literally go on for hours and nothing seems to distract them from the task at hand. They instinctively know that winter is fast approaching and they are preparing for it's arrival. I got to thinking that we can really learn a lot from nature. What a wonderful trait to always be thinking ahead to how we can better provide for and care for our families. It reminded me of the verse in Proverbs 31 that says, "she looks well to the ways of her household and does not eat the bread of idleness." With that being said, I am now off to put on my "thinking" cap and figure out ways that I can do just that!

1 comment:

Essential Oil Premier University said...

The squirrels have been especially busy around our home too. . . which makes me think they know something we don't. Like. . . we're in for another BAD winter!!

I, the housewife, homemaker, breadbaker am also going to stock up a bit for my family.

