April 22, 2008


When I get up each morning, ready to greet the day, it is so very important that I remember WHO I am accountable to. Although, as a homemaker I have no time card to punch in and out, I do have a job, A REAL JOB, and just like an employee is accountable to his boss, so I am accountable to the Lord. The Lord has blessed with a wonderful home and HE has placed me here to take care of it. It is my job to clean it, love it, spruce it up, fix it up, and add those special little touches that really do make a house a home. Not only is it my job, it also should be my joy!! What a privilege to be a homemaker, to care for my home and family.
As I go about my daily tasks I try to focus on how blessed I am to have this home, WHO blessed me with it, and the incredible responsibility I have to care for it. Instead of going about my tasks with dread, I try to approach them joyfully, as if I am doing them for the Lord, because guess what? I AM:O) Over the years I have "tweaked" my cleaning schedule according to the season of life I was in. Below you will find the only real cleaning schedule I have that is written down.I keep it in a prominent place where I will be sure to see it numerous times during the day. It serves as a wonderful reminder of the jobs I have to do. It covers all the "biggies," but as I'm sure you know, there are many, many "smallies!"If you notice at the bottom I put one of my favorite bible verses. All I have to do is read it and it reminds me once again of WHO I'm working for, and THE ATTITUDE I should have while I'm doing it!
Click to enlarge


Anonymous said...


What a pretty way to remind yourself ~ I love it!



Jodi said...

We keep that same verse prominently displayed. It does indeed keep the attitude in check!

Firefly Nights said...

What a lovely way to make a task list for the week.