My Special Friends
Brr....winter has it's icy grip on us and doesn't want to let go! The last few days have been too frigid to venture outside, but with one exception, and that is that I must feed the birds! Whenever I think of simple pleasures this is one that surely comes to mind. As I've told you many times before I get such happiness from looking out my kitchen window while watching my little bird friends fly hither and yon. We have such a wide variety of birds that I never tire of looking at them. Each has it's own beauty and personality, just like we humans!
As soon as I see the feeders getting low I bundle up and trudge to the shed to gather more supplies for my feathered friends. When they see me coming they quickly scurry away, but in the distance I can hear them sing their happy songs as they watch me replenish their feeders. Each variety of bird has it's own special song to sing and all together they make up the most beautiful melody!
As I am filling up the feeders I like to think about the different species of birds and what makes them each so unique! Some love the plain seed, some the sunflower seed, some raisins, and some even prefer cracked corn and nuts! Some like to perch on the feeder itself while others are strictly ground feeders. I even have a special feeder that allows the finches to eat the way they love which is upside down!
Our old oak tree is also home to many squirrels. They are such creative little acrobats and are, oh, so determined. When I watch them I feel like I can actually see the wheels turning in their little heads as they try to figure out how to get the seed! Many a day they have brought a smile to my face as I gaze into their little world. Not to worry though, on the other side of the yard they have corn I have put out that they can feast on! Sometimes I think they are like we humans, wanting what others have! lol When they finally decide to dine on the corn I love to see them sitting on their haunches as they merrily munch away! If they were children I believe they would be the ones that would always be sitting in the corner;o)
Once the task has been completed I come in and shed all the warm weather gear and then I go and stand by the fire to warm myself up. After the chill has left me I go to the kitchen and put the kettle on and then stand at my kitchen window and get ready for the next show! As I slowly sip my tea I watch as the birds quietly come out of their hiding places, one by one. Soon every spot is taken and after they have partaken of their meal I see them fly away one by one back to their homes. It somehow gives my great joy to know that they have left with nourishment that will last them another day.
As the sun starts to set I look out my window again and see that all is still and quiet. All the little birds are safely back in their nests resting yet again for another night. They can rest in peace because they know that their next meal will be waiting for them when they are ready. Isn't it amazing that such little creatures could bring such joy to my life! Something that is so simple, but then again, isn't that the beauty of it?
That was just so inspiring--to CARE for the birds and squirrels to make sure they have a meal in this cold weather.
I love your posts and really look forward to them.
Thank you.
I loved reading about your special bird friends, Susan! It's so fun to watch them in the winter. I just filled mine up this afternoon, they go through it fast! LOL
We've been enjoying watching the birds on our feeders, too. It's amazing watching them, isn't it? We have a humming bird who actually flies right up to the back patio door and peeks in at us if his feeder runs dry and we haven't noticed! Fun!
We feed the birds here as well. They have finished the berries I purposely leave on the trees and bushes and now I also am trudging out threw our snow to fill the feeders.
Loved this glimpse into your winter world. For a Florida girl, it sounds cosy and romantic, but I'm sure the reality is a little different!! Pam
I love birds!
p.s.. I just posted about a plate idea I got from you :)
What kind of feeders do you use? I love feeding the birds, too, but will just scatter the feed on the ground. Would it be better in a feeder??
Mrs. U
Mrs. U, there are about as many different feeders as there are birds! I especially love the finch feeder which I put thistle seed in. It is made especially for the finches because it has a tiny opening for the thistle which is what they eat. When the finchs' come to feed they eat upside down! It is so neat to watch:o) Also, I love to give sunflower seeds, as well, some of the birds don't like to eat on the ground so I supply my feeder with them. Have fun with it!!
Susan ~ What an utterly beautiful and peaceful post! I love this ...
As the sun starts to set I look out my window again and see that all is still and quiet. All the little birds are safely back in their nests resting yet again for another night. They can rest in peace because they know that their next meal will be waiting for them when they are ready.
I can't read that without thinking that is just how our Heavenly Father wants us to feel ~ resting in peace, secure in His provision!
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