Going Back In Time

Sometimes I can be a very "spur of the moment" kind of gal ~ schedules are great, but..........!!! As you know, Miss Bonnie and I love to do things together and we decided that it was about time for another mother/daughter day! Since it wasn't too bitterly cold we bundled up and started out on our adventure to visit Colonial Williamsburg. The sky was a brilliant blue, puffy white clouds floated overhead, and all the while a gentle breeze was blowing ~ a most perfect day for visiting such an historic city. It felt so good to get out and get some fresh air after hibernating all winter!
Williamsburg is a town that is absolutely brimming with history. I literally feel like I have stepped back in time when I visit there.The town itself is charming ~ we loved seeing the "residents" strolling along the cobblestone streets dressed in their colonial garb. As we went along we could smell the logs that were burning in the fireplaces all along Duke of Gloucester Street. We were truly entranced as we watched the dress maker, the wig maker, the candle maker, the blacksmith, etc... all perform their special duties. The shopkeepers were busy selling their wares and the local pubs had plenty of yummy food and delicious beverages, all served on the traditional pewter ware.
We loved looking at the historic church and exploring the cemetery that was located on the grounds there. We were amazed at how much information was put on the the tombstones back then. Some of them read almost like a biography because practically the whole life story of the person was written down! We also loved looking at the various bible verses and religious sayings placed on each marker. A few of them were new to me and as we were looking at them, I saw one that I just loved and told Miss Bonnie that is what I wanted on mine when I go home to be with the Lord. The graves date back as far as the 1600's so you can imagine how worn some of the markers were. We had to do a lot of "squinting" to be able to decipher the words but we were able to make out most of them.
I think my favorite thing of the day was seeing the horse drawn carriages coming up and down the cobblestone streets. I loved hearing the "clip clop," "clip clop" as they made their way down the street! The horses were so majestic looking as well as the carriage driver. One thing is for sure, I don't think I will ever get used to a gentleman wearing a long, powder white wig! lol We decided that as much fun as it would be to take a carriage ride we were going to be "healthy" and walk;o)
On the trip home there was much talking and laughter and we both said how much fun we had together. What a blessing Miss Bonnie is to me and I am so grateful that she and I have been blessed with such a wonderful relationship! As I put my head on my pillow tonight I will thank the Lord for giving me and Miss Bonnie this most special day to share. Next time you think about a little spur of the moment fun, I suggest you "go for it!" That's what some of the best memories are made of!
I'm so glad you and Miss Bonnie were able to spend a memorable day together. ;)
I've always wanted to visit Williamsburg. Hopefully we'll be able to make a family trip there when the children are a little bit older.
Now you have me curious! Are you going to share what the special verse is that you want put on your tombstone?
what a wonderful day of togetherness for you and miss Bonnie..
I'm so happy for you that you could spend the day exploring and enjoying...
blessings to you
I have wanted to go there for years! I was actually down that way this past summer (went to Norfolk for a concert), so I now know the way to get there!!
Oh, I love Williamsburg. How fortunate that you are close enough to visit frequently. My dream is to someday visit during the Christmas holidays and see the decor. I would LOVE to be there when the fireplaces are burning and the warmth of each place adds to the nostalgic feeling there. ~Adrienne~
Hi, That is where my husband and I went on our honeymoon and 10 year anniversary. I Love Williamsburg. Cheryl
I pray that Elizabeth and I will have such a wonderful relationship when she is older- just like you and Miss Bonnie. Thank you so much for sharing about your special time. :)
Mrs. U
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