I never knew how much I was going to love sewing, y'all! Instead of craving chocolate I am fast becoming a "material junkie!" Fewer calories, right?!! LOL Last night I stitched up this apron for Miss Bonnie. She is a "whiz" in the kitchen and I know she will get good use out of it.

I found the material at WalMart for one dollar. Once I saw this sweet daisy trim I knew it would be the perfect thing to finish off the apron!
I am not a very "conventional" seamstress. I do everything by eye, don't use a pattern, just kind of "throw it together." I can't even begin to tell you the mess that surrounds me by the end of the project. You would think that a tornado had come through! I know some of you are "cringing" right now, but it works for me;o)

Don't you just love the darling little daisies?

Don't you just love the darling little daisies?
Miss Bonnie wasn't here when I was taking the pictures ~it looks much better on Miss Bonnie than it does on the rocker! BTW, thank y'all so much for the wonderful response to her two posts ~ she was truly delighted. She has some more wonderful ideas that I know she would love to share with y'all in the near future!
What a great job you did! Miss Bonnie is very lucky to be the recipient of such a pretty apron.
I love to sew! Wish I had more time for it.
It's lovely! I just love the sweet daisy trim. (o:
Very cute!! I've had a sewing bug this week, causing me to prowl through my tiny little fabric stash and even go and buy one piece of new fabric. I'm going to make skirts!
I'm a by-the-book seamstress. My eyes glaze over just thinking about trying to make something without a pattern! LOL Must. have. instructions. I think my daughter will be more of a wing-it person, though. She is very good at seeing something and then translating what she sees into what she wants. Sigh.
What a pretty, feminine apron! The daisy trim was just the right finishing touch. I'm so glad that the sewing bug bit you....what fun you will have!
This apron is so cute. I love the daisy trim.
What a great summertime apron; you did a fabulous job!
Too cute.... the daisies are precious!
Jennifer R.
That's adorable! I know she will be so happy with it. Especially the daisies! My oldest is a daisy girl. I think I need to make a trip to Walmart. ;-)
Wow, I am impressed that you did this without a pattern. It looks so beautiful, you really did an amazing job. Daisies are my favorite, so naturally, I love this little apron:)
Cute! Miss Bonnie will have such sweet thoughts of her Mama when she is one day using this in her own home.
I think the apron will look so cute on Miss Bonnie and I so enjoyed her post. She has a good teacher in all she does and that is her sweet mama.
Now that is a good bug to get bitten buy, Susan!! The daisy apron you made Miss Bonnie is so pretty and cheery, I just love daisies!! What a wonderful gift for her!
Cute apron! I used to sew daily, but I'm afraid I haven't sewn much in the last several years. It is fun and rewarding though. My eldest daughter and I made aprons last fall. You've inspired me to make another one!! Good job! :-)
Susan, this is SOOO pretty!! And you did it without a pattern? WOW! I want to sew like that!!! :)
Any chance that Miss Bonnie will ever start a blog of her own?
Any chance the two of y'all will write a book together? You both seem to have the gift of writing. Did you mention before that your mother writes, too?
Mrs. U
Sewing without a pattern - Hmmm? Sounds like you've awakened the designer within! ;o)
Great job on the apron -- such sunny daisy trim! Love it! :o)
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