Most every morning I like to wake up before the sun comes up. In a different season in my life I was almost always awake before dawn but for a different reason! I was tending to my babies and doing all the things that Mommies have to do. Since my "babies" are now grown I find that I am getting up early because I want to, not because I have to.

I love to get my drink, cuddle up with a cozy blanket, and head out to my back porch. I am not the only one who loves it at this time, I have visitors with me in the form of three kitties and a puppy! I just love the stillness and peacefulness of the early morning. I love the gentle breeze that is usually blowing and the sound of the wind chimes playing a beautiful melody just for me! I usually sit in a rocking chair and I love to hear the sound of the "creaking" as I rock back and forth. In the stillness of the morning all these noises that might not even be noticeable in the business of the day become a beautiful part of the morning for me.
I also love to watch the birdhouse and see the birds as they begin their morning. These last few months I have been witness to their hard work and dedication to their families. They fly here and there bringing back all kinds of different nesting materials to build the "perfect home" for their family as well as diligently search for food for their babies. I find them so interesting that I do believe I could watch them for hours! One of my biggest blessings from the birds is the beautiful songs that they sing, their music is far prettier than most you can find on the radio. I also love to hear the mates calling back and forth to each other ~ it just brings a smile to my heart:o)
As I watch all the little "miracles" before me I spend my time in prayer ~ my head is clear and my heart is open to what the Lord wants to reveal to me. I can talk to him about any problems I might be going through at the time as well as offer up prayers of thanksgiving for all my blessings. Sometimes all I do is just sit very still and BE. Words are not always necessary ~ I am just enjoying the company!
I particularly appreciate how the sunrise makes everything so pretty ~ I literally see things in a different light.

Below my friend Bailey is enjoying the sunrise with me!

My very part favorite part of early morning has to be the beautiful sunrises that I witness. I see them almost everyday but each time I feel awestruck, as if I have been given the most magnificent present. And guess what? I have!! I have been given the gift of a new day! What an incredible blessing and responsibility. With this new day I can choose to honor God and live the life he wants me live to or I can live just for myself. Everyday I am given that choice, and so are you!

A new day dawning! It is at this very time that I ask the Lord to order my day and guide my steps. I can think of no better way to start the day, can you?
" It is at this very time that I ask the Lord to order my day and guide my steps. "
Great advice!!! Your early morning spot is delightful!
You have a beautiful porch to "wake up to" Morning is my favorite time of day as well. It's very soothing to begin my day on the front porch in my rocker before heading off in "the business world" for 9 hours.
What a serene spot for you to commune with the Lord! I've been enjoying my special place in the early mornings, too. After a few minutes of tranquility I feel energized and ready to face the tasks of the day.
Ahhh, a kindred spirit! I love the early morning quiet moments before the rest of the world wakes up. Without the distraction and interruptions we can be open to God's voice.
I'm usually joined by my cat who thinks I'm there for HER.
A fresh, new day, a clean slate, and a beautiful view as you talk with God. What more could we want?
I loved your morning reflections. You have a beautiful quiet place to enjoy God's presence. Wish I could get to bed on time to make it up that early. I have become a night owl enjoying my computer and friends.
This is a lovely post with beautiful photos! When I do take the time to rise early and have my time with the Lord first thing, I always receive a blessing.
Lately however, I've had a little one cutting molars and having restless my 'mornings' have started later than they should! LOL
Thanks for sharing a special part of your day with us!
How beautiful Susan. Truly "His mercies are new every morning" & "This is the day the Lord hath made & I will rejoice". I'm an early riser too and for the same reasons but I spend my time on my comfortable couch in the living room. :o)
How peaceful. Lovely to see the sun filtering through the trees.
Susan what a beautiful post and reminder to savor the gift of another day. Your porch is lovely and a great place to begin each day focusing on Christ. We usually eat dinner on our porch...but I need to use it more throughout the day and try the "early morning shift". :-) Thanks for sharing the photos too! Blessings, Diane
What a beautiful post, Susan. I love the early porch mornings, too. The little birds always set the perfect tone for communion with God, don't they? Your porch looks very inviting.
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