The Language Of Flowers
You never know when you are going to learn something new. The other day I was flipping through the channels and I landed on a television program where they were talking about Valentine's Day and of course, flowers. I learned that back in the Victorian Era flowers were used for more than just decoration, they were used as a form of communication. Back in the Victorian Era it wasn't considered proper to ever verbally express your feelings. They had to come up with a way to get their feelings known other than with words. So how did they do it? They created floriography. which is the "language of flowers!" There is a meaning to colors of flowers, to numbers of flowers, and to groups of flowers. It is a silent language that has been largely lost to us through the lack of use. Here are just a few of our most common flowers and what they mean:

Carnation (Pink)-I'll Never Forget You
Carnation (Red)-My Heart Aches For You, Admiration
Carnation (Purple) -Capriciousness
Carnation (White)-Sweet and Lovely, Innocence, Pure Love, Woman's Good Luck Gift
Daffodil- Faithfulness, Happiness
Forget-Me-Not -True Love, Memories
Geranium- Stupidity, Folly
Lily (Calla) - Beauty
Magnolia- Nobility
Orchid- Love, Beauty, Refinement, Beautiful Lady, Chinese Symbol for Many Children
Rose (Bridal)-Happy Love
Rose (Pink)- Perfect Happiness, Please Believe Me
Rose (Red)- Love, I Love You
Rose (Tea)- I'll Remember Always
Rose (Thornless) Love at First Sight
Rose (White)- Innocence and Purity
Rose (Yellow)-Friendship
Roses (Bouquet of Mature Blooms)-Gratitude
Tulip (Red)- Believe Me, Declaration of Love
Ladies, just wanted you to know that I posted this because I thought it was interesting.Please know that I love ALL flowers and if Mr. P is sweet enough to gift me with them I am most pleased, no matter the name or their color;) I guess if I had to say though, my favorite flower would be the daffodil! I love it for several reasons: my favorite color is yellow, it blooms in Spring and to me it is a sign of hope and new beginnings.I also think it is a very "happy" looking flower and it always makes me smile when I see it! Now it's your turn! What is your favorite flower?
** Edited to add: My sweet baby boy brought this most blessed Mama these beautiful roses this morning. I remember as a little boy he would proudly present me with dandelions from our backyard. He would hide them behind his back and then with a big grin he would give them to me, usually with his dirty, chubby little boy hands. My heart melted every time. Those dandelions held a special place on our kitchen table in a jelly jar. I loved those dandelions just as much as I love these roses! Maybe even a little more;)
Happy Valentine to you!
Very lovely flowers!
My favorite flowers are:
- white roses
- pale pink roses
But I also like white carnations
~ Candy
Thank you for my Valentine!
This reminds me so much of school days when we carried our valentines and couldn't wait to see who we received them from.
The bouquets of weeds that my girls,many years ago, brought me still bloom in my heart....
I treasure the friendships I've made through blogging and feel that it's a sisterhood of ladies who love God, family, home and want to think on lovely things.
God Bless.
Awww...so sweet of your son! I love snapdragons!!
While I LOVE LOVE LOVE all flowers (well, except for begonias- never been fond of those), I do believe that my favorite flowers are daffodils!!! Yellow is my favorite color for flowers (although I DO love all colors) because it is just so HAPPY!!!! Plus, daffodils are the first to show up after such a dreary gray winter. Daffodils just make me plain happy!!!!!!
Wonderful post!!
Mrs. U
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