September 20, 2006

Something To Ponder
Let Us Rejoice In Our Gifts!
Yesterday I spent a lot of time working on the sign I had been wanting to do for my porch. I toiled for hours on this project and did my very best. The reason that I wanted to show it was because I wanted to talk about gifts.(See post below) When I say "gift" I mean those talents that the Lord has blessed us with. Now honestly, I know this sign looks like it was rendered by a child. I know for a fact that there are many people, even many children, who could paint that sign a hundred times better. That's not the point. I know I am not "gifted" in the area of art and I shouldn't go around comparing myself with those who are. The important thing to me was that I wanted to make this sign by myself because it meant something to me. I could have gone and had a real "artist" do it but the meaning would just not be the same. I am not going to "beat myself up" because of the way it looks because I already knew that art is not a "strength or gift" that I possess. What's easy for one person is a monumental task for another. We have to stop comparing ourselves, ladies. It is a disservice to yourself as well as the Lord.

How many times has someone complimented you on something you have done and the first thing out of your mouth is, "oh, anybody could do that," or "oh, the icing is too runny," "anyone can sew, besides the zipper wasn't put in right," "oh, the bow doesn't match the flowers on the wreath," etc. etc. etc. . . . . . . . . And on and on we go! Does any of this sound familiar?? Why do we do that? Why can't we take ownership of our God given gifts and rejoice in them. Now I'm certainly not talking about being prideful or haughty, I'm talking about acknowledgement of the gift. We need to stop comparing ourselves with others because we are all given different gifts. I have a dear friend that I like to go shopping with. This dear friend has an uncanny knack of finding perfect outfits all the time. She doesn't get it straight off the mannequin, she flits here and there amongst the racks choosing things as she goes along only to come up with a most gorgeous ensemble. Now me, whenever I am faced with clothes shopping I break out into a cold sweat and my brain starts to get fuzzy as I meander through the maze of clothes. On the flip side, my dear friend feels the same way about home decorating stores. Put me in one and I am like a kid in a candy shop! I feel comfortable and at home and am usually pretty confident in the decisions I make. She on the other hand is looking at her watch waiting to get to the dress sale at Macy's! We have a running joke that if she will "dress" me then I will decorate her home for her! Pretty good deal, huh??

I think that if the Creator was kind enough to bless us with a gift then it is almost in a way dishonoring him when we don't take ownership and use them to his glory. We need to develop a sense of appreciation for the "gifts" he has given us! And I'm almost certain that he wouldn't want us to feel bad and be so critical of ourselves when there is a skill that we lack. Everyone, and I mean EVERYONE has something that they are good at. If you feel like you haven't found yours, DON'T GIVE UP!! KEEP SEARCHING, there is a gift just waiting to be put to good use!

So, what is your gift? Please try not to "beat yourself up" when you feel someone does something better than you, and please, please, please don't compare yourself with others. Can you rejoice in your gift? I hope in some small way I have encouraged you, that was the intention anyway! After thinking about your special gift why don't you share it with me?? I am hoping by the end of the day we will have a long list of gifts we are grateful for! I want to rejoice with you and then let us rejoice together! God is so good!! Now I must go and proudly put my sign up. It may not look the best but I certainly tried "my best." No comparisons allowed;)


Anonymous said...

I am new to your blog, and I am lovin it! I am going to be visiting often. The Lord has blessed me with the gift of organization. I love to declutter and put everything in it's place.

Mississippi Girl said...

What an encouraging post, Susan!! You are so very right, we often DO try to discount the gifts God has given us (myself included, yikes!)By the way, I think your sign is just precious!
Jennifer R.

Kelli said...

This was a wonderful post Susan. Very encouraging. I tend to do the same thing. Guest: "This soup is wonderful." Me, "I think it may be a little too salty." etc! LOL God has given me some wonderful gifts and I need to be thankful for them.

Susan P. said...

April, I am so glad you visited and took the time to comment, I really appreciate it! What a wonderful gift the Lord has blessed you with. Thank you so much for sharing:)

Jenn said...

I love your sign! Thanks for reminding us not to be so self-critical.....


Mary said...

Susan you are so right. Anyone ever notice how some people with so many talents are so quick to freely share them? I believe those who freely share and give of their talents are blessed with many more. Wonderful post!

Shari said...

that was a lovely reminder. it's neat to do a project and know it came all from you. it's neat to know that God gave everyone different gifts, so we could all help eachother, and share our talents with eachother. if we all had the same gifts, the world would be booooring, lol.
i freely admit i am horrible at cooking, and i'm your twin when it comes to clothes shopping, lol. but one of the gifts the Lord has blessed me with is a singing voice, and I can't thank Him enough for giving me such a precious gift that I can use to serve Him with. PTL.

Susan P. said...

Mary, I agree! Thank you:)

Shari, I'm so glad you stopped by! Thank you so much for your kind words! You are so right about the world being a boring place if we all had the same gifts. Also, thank you so much for sharing your gift with me! I'm rejoicing over it right now but it won't be in Song!! LOL I have an idea, maybe I can set you up with my friend the clothes shopper and in turn you can sing at her son's wedding! LOL Seriously, thanks so much for your comments, they really added a lot to the post:) My welcome mat is always out for you!