One of my Favorite Things
Okay, I'll admit it. I am a linen freak! Some women love clothes, some drool over shoes, but not me, give me a good set of

When my son left home I found I had some extra time on my hands. For years my strapping young man would rummage through the linen closet like the proverbial "bull in a china shop." I tried everything I could to keep in tidy but to no avail. Alas, I could finally have my dream linen closet. So off to Wal Mart I went. Armed with baskets, lace and contact paper I came home on a mission. I even had beautiful smelling lavendar in there, for goodness sakes! The end result is what you see above. Now mind you, I am the only one who appreciates my linen closet but that's okay, just looking at it makes me happy! By the way, I never got the hang of folding fitted sheets as you can see but that's another post! So there,I said it. I am Susan P. and I'm a linen freak. I must admit sometimes though I wish that young man was here to mess it up.
Hi I followed a link to your place from Homespun Living. What a truly nice site you've created here. I've enjoyed my visit very much.
I like your idea of a pretty linen closet and I use lavender water too.
I especially appreciate seeing your lemon loaf pan. I've never known of them before. I'd like to find one of those too. A loaf of lemon loaf would make a nice hostess gift or gift basket addition. Your photo of it is really nice too!
Mrs. Staggs,
Welcome to my home and thank you so much for your kind words! I was so happy to find the lemon loaf pan. I was going to post a pic of the finished product but I had a very hungry family:) I will post the recipe for the lemon bread soon - it was yummy!
Welcome to my home! It is so nice to welcome a fellow linen lover! We need to keep each other abreast for white sales! LOL! Your name sounds very familiar. Are you a member of the MIH group? I just love Cat, she has been such an inspiration.
Your closet is beautiful. I think one reason the blogs are such an outlet is that we finally have others who appreciate what we appreciate. :)
Your linen closet is beautiful, Susan! Now you have me thinking about giving mine a complete make-over and making it pretty. And, I am also terrible at folding fitted sheets! (I think Martha showed once how it's done.)
I, too, found your link through Homespun Living. You've given me the inspiration to spruce up my linen closet. I look forward to reading more of your blog. God bless, Kim
Kim, thank you so much for visiting me at my blog home. I am very familiar with yours. I was one of the first people to take a home tour! I loved, loved, loved how you decorated it. You have one of the nicest kitchens I have ever seen!
Wow....what a beautiful closet! It makes me want to fix mine!
I think Lisa was so right when she said that part of the appeal of blogging is we can share this type of thing with others who appreciate it.
And I cannot fold fitted sheets either!
Just discovered your blog and I LOVE your linen closet!! I'm in the process of moving my linen closet from the small place intended for it in my home, to a larger shelved closet. Your beautiful lace lined shelves and charming baskets are very inspiring. I hope mine turns out half as nice.
Mrs. B, I am so happy to hear that I am not alone with the inability to fold fitted sheets. Sometimes they frustrate me so I feel like stomping my foot! You are so right about us all appreciating the things that have to do with "prettying" up our homes. I am so happy to be in the company of such fine ladies!
Mrs. Linebarger, I am so glad you came for a visit. Thank you so much for your kind words! I know your linen closet it going to be beautiful. Isn't it fun to "pretty" things up, even it if is just for ourselves? Let me know how it turns out!
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