Hatbox of my Heart
Memories! We all have them. Whether it be an old love letter, a picture of a beloved grandparent, a movie stub from your first date with your hubby, these are all tangible items that we hold dear. Each and every one is precious to us. Instead of storing your treasures in a "smelly" old shoe box why not take the time to find either a hatbox that you love or make one using beautiful contact paper. Find or make a lovely scented sachet or better yet, sprinkle some rose petals in and amongst your cherished valuables. What a joy it will be on a rainy afternoon to settle in and be greeted with a lovely scent as you open up your wonderful box of memories!
Where do you store your treasures?
I do this, too!! I store cards and letter from my hubby in a pretty painted hatbox... I don't use any type of "scent", though- but think I'll add that, now... Great idea!
Jennifer R. in MS
Beautiful...some people have such a knack of putting things in an attractive yet simple way...enjoying your blog and ideas!!
Jennifer, I am so glad I could give you a new idea! BTW, did anybody ask for your autograph today???LOL!
Elizabeth, thank you so much for your kind words. I want to also thank you for your comment on my Mom's alzheimer's post. It really meant a lot. Blessings to you.
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