Boo Mama is graciously hosting a Christmas Tour of Homes! A big "thank you" to her!! You will be able to tour many wonderful homes all decked out for the Christmas season. Go to http://www.boomama.net/ so you can start the tour! The best part? You don't even have to leave your chair!
Welcome To Our Home!

Welcome to our home

Won't you have a cup of tea?

Step into our den and we'll gaze up the tree!

And if you're feeling chilly I'll start a nice warm fire

And later when you're hungry in the dining room we'll retire!

We'll sit upon the sofa and have a nice long chat

And when it's time to say goodbye here's the gift basket you'll get!

OOOOh I love the Victorian looking China teacup:) It is great! You have a lovely home. I wish you peace & joy this Christ-mas season!
Just beautiful! Love your tree and table and that gift basket looks great :)
Thanks for sharing your home with us, and Merry Christmas!
LOVELY! Thank you for the wonderful tour! I enjoyed it so much! After your inspiration, I made cinnamon toast this morning - yummy! Emily ate almost TWO pieces! :) Thank you for sharing your wonderful and inviting home!
Your tree is SOO pretty Susan. Everything looks so beautiful and welcoming, I just love it!
Jennifer R.
Your home looks gorgeous and ready for the holidays.
Thank you for the tour!
Your dining room is so warm and inviting. I love the color of the tablecloth. So festive! :o)
There is such a wonderful welcoming feel every time I visit you. You were so gracious to make gift baskets!
Merry Christmas!!
How BEAUTIFUL, Susan!!! Thank you so very much for inviting me into your home!!!
Mrs. U
Thank you for the charming tour! Your home is lovely! Merry Christmas!
Thank you for the beautiful tour. Loved the gift basket! :)
Thank you so much for the tea and the gift basket! I love your tree and I think we have the same table cloth;) Thanks so much for the tour. You have a beautiful home! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year:)
What a delightful hostess you are! Your home is lovely and I so enjoyed the tea, and visit. The gift basket was such a nice treat, as well. Thanks for sharing and Merry Christmas!
What a very lovely home you have and your tree is beautiful.
Merry Christmas
It all looks so very nice & inviting. And gift baskets, wow! Great tour, thank you for sharing it.
Being a hot tea drinker, I just loved your teacup! Lovely tour! Merry Christmas!
Your tree is beautiful as is your mantle. Lovely, lovely decorations.
Your tea set is amazing, I may not give the cup back! Great welcoming house, I really love everything about it, t hanks for having me over!
Thank you for the tour. :) I dont usually like music playing on a blog site but I LOVE your loevly music. Merry Christmas!
Your home is just lovely! Your tree is beautiful and I love the little snowflakes on it! Thank you for having us over and the tea too. :0)
Merry Christmas!
Everything just looks perfect! I know your family enjoys special times in your home. Merry Christmas
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