October 31, 2008

Happiness Is . . . .
A basket full of the fun size candy bars. Why? There are no calories listed on the back! Guess that means I can eat as many as I want:)

October 30, 2008

Green Bean Casserole #2

Since we are now about to enter one of the busiest times of the year I thought I would share with you a yummy casserole that is easy on the pocketbook and great on the taste buds!! I have been making this since I was a newlywed and the funny thing is I don't even know the official name of the dish, hence I'll call it, Green Bean Casserole #2! Works for me:) Anyway, one of my favorite things about this casserole is that it calls for simple ingredients almost everybody has in their pantry. It's also quick and easy to make and last, but not least, it's a good "stick to your ribs" kind of meal;o) Since it already has veggies in it all you have to do is make a salad and add some rolls
Green Bean Casserole #2

1 lb. ground beef
finely chopped onion
minced garlic
1 can tomato soup (NOT SAUCE)
1can green beans (or you could use frozen)
instant mashed potatoes

Brown ground beef together with chopped onion (whatever amt. your family likes)I probably use about 1/4 cup.You can also either use garlic from the clove that you have chopped or sprinkle in a little garlic powder (again, what your family likes) After meat is nicely browned, drain the grease and then add 1 can green beans and 1 can tomato soup. Mix up well and then pour into a casserole dish you have sprayed with Pam or whatever you like to use. Follow the directions on the box for the amount of potatoes your family will eat. Mix up the potatoes and once they are made place them on top of the meat mixture. Since it's just me, Mr. P and Miss Bonnie I made the 4 serving amount tonight. Sprinkle with paprika and bake at 350 for about 15 minutes or until bubbly. Great for leftovers, too!

If you haven't entered the giveaway just scroll down a few posts and you will find it. Winner will be announced this Monday!
Teacups and Birds, two of my
favorite things . . .

oops, better make that three! I love to drink the tea, as well;o)

October 29, 2008

Simple Pleasures & A Giveaway
(Sweet Cinnamon Pumpkin Hand Soap)
I love to celebrate the different seasons in any way I can. More importantly, I love to do it without breaking our budget. One of my little pleasures is purchasing the scented hand soaps from Bath & Body Works when they are on sale. For only three dollars I can bring the lovely scent of each season into our home. Since they were on sale I decided to buy two ~ one for me and one for YOU! Even if you don't have a blog you can enter, just make sure to leave me your email address. I will draw the name of the winner on Monday:)

October 27, 2008

Chili On A Chilly Day!

With temperatures dropping almost 30 degrees this afternoon and the sound of sleet tapping on our window panes, I thought it would be the perfect time to cook up a batch of chili. I love how the aroma permeates throughout the house and it's even all the more better when it's the first of the Fall season. The perfect accompaniment to the chili was a pan of golden cornbread. Comfort food at it's best!

October 26, 2008

Having Sweet Dreams Can Be A Nightmare!
When the springs of your mattress start "springing" out, you know it's time to get a new one. It got to the point where our mattress had become somewhat of a lethal weapon. As much as we wanted to, there was no more putting if off. We knew it was time. So, we put on our helmets and off we went on the dreaded mattress shopping trip. Here's a synopsis of how it went:
~As we entered the furniture store I felt somewhat like a mouse because as soon as our presence was made known we had numerous sale associates "pounce" on us. I knew this was going to happen, but somehow I was hoping it wouldn't. With big wide fake grins and dollar signs dancing in their eyes, they all wanted to be "of assistance" to us. UGH...........
~After telling them what we were after we were led amongst a maze of furniture to the section where all of the beds were. If I were to guesstimate, I would say there were probably at least 40. The first bed we were led to was the "Cadillac" of all beds. Of course it was their bestseller and it was for people who are bed "connoisseurs,"those that really appreciate a good night's sleep. Well, we like a good night's sleep just as much as another, but after seeing the price tag we decided quickly we could sleep just fine on another one!
~Sales associate then encourages us to take off our shoes and take a "test" drive, if you will. He tells us to take our time and says he will be back in just a minute. I'm thinking, "I have to try out forty beds and he's going to be back in a minute?" "No way!" I tell him make it fifteen, instead. FYI, he was back in two;o)

~It's at this point of the story I need to tell you that Mr. P and I love to sleep together, but we would prefer to do it in two different beds. I'm the kind of girl that loves a soft, downy, plush "bed and breakfast" kind of bed. You know, the one you sink into like you are floating on a cloud. Mr. P, on the other hand prefers the kind of mattress that I would think would be found on a army cot in the barracks. The firmer, the better. I'm talking no movement at all. You could bounce a quarter off of it. Ugh..... I start to feel a headache coming on.
~As we are making our way around the "wall of beds" I start to notice a pattern. Every bed Mr. P likes, I don't. Hmm......Every bed I like, Mr. doesn't. So then we start to examine the charts next to each bed to see if we can make sense of the whole thing. The chart gives numbers to rate the bed for firmness, durability, and comfort. Also, did you know that there is no such thing as an "ordinary" mattress anymore? They now have foam, air, pillow top, as well as a few other "must haves." Oh no, now my head is really starting to hurt. What? What does it all mean???
~I then start to become self-conscious because I notice that people are looking at us while we are laying (lying) in the beds. I feel it almost necessary for me to say, "it's okay, we're married!" Then I'm thinking, how can a person relax and test out a bed when the whole store is watching?As much as I tried to concentrate on the firmness number, I can still see them peering at us with my side vision.

~After awhile we started to notice a "tricky" thing that they did to try to fool us. They have the price of the smaller mattress in big bold letters, while the larger mattresses need a magnifying glass to be seen. Aw, no fair!
~I start to feel like Goldilocks in that famous story with the three bears. Me, "this bed is too hard" and Mr.P, "this bed is too soft." I have but one question, "where, oh where is Baby Bear's bed?" I need a spotlight to come from the ceiling and shine on the perfect one for us.
~After trying out one of the more inexpensive mattresses, Mr. P said that he thinks they are trying to make the cheaper mattresses feel bad by putting hard pillows on it. He said, "I think they have the really soft pillows on the expensive beds and the hard as a rock pillows on the cheap ones. We have now entered the paranoia stage of the trip.

~While discussing pillows my mind starts to wander and the part of me that is a germaphobe kicks in. I started to think of all the customers who have come before us that have laid their sweet little heads on the same pillows as we did. EEWW...... In preschool I told the children to never share hats because of "you know what." EEWW again!!!!

~Well, fifteen minutes turns into thirty, thirty into forty five, etc., etc.... You get the picture! The sales associate is about the wear a path on the carpet because of all the times he has come to "check" on us. After trying out all forty beds and thinking I can take it no longer,we decided to go back to the second bed we looked at. After comparing it to all of the others, we decided that yes, indeed, it wasn't too hard for me and it wasn't too soft for Mr. P!! Could it be? Why, yes!! So, we ended up doing what all happily married couples do, we compromised! It looks like we found Baby's Bear's bed after all!

October 22, 2008

Benjamin James P.
4 D Ultra-Sound Today

Thank you Lord for the gift of this precious child!

Psalm 139:13-14

" For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb.
I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well."

October 21, 2008

Decorating "Smecorating!"
A "Critique" on "Critiques"

Have you ever seen the show House Hunters on HGTV? I will admit I am a big fan. The one thing that I am not a big fan of is this: A couple walks through an absolutely gorgeous home and then starts to pick it apart because they think it needs "updating." Then they start to figure in the costs of all the remodeling they would have to do in order to make it "livable" for their upscale tastes. I'm telling you, numerous times I have seen beautiful cabinets and counter tops in a kitchen, beautiful tile and vanity in the bathroom, etc... and yet they "stick their nose" up at it and say it would be impossible to live in! What I find so humorous is that in a few years time what they consider to be "updated" will then be "outdated!" Please don't feel that your home doesn't look nice just because you don't have the latest stainless steel appliances or granite counter tops. Just remember, these same people will be spending oodles of more money in a few years updating the things that are in style now.
One other pet peeve I just can't be quiet about is happening around blog land. Some people have self appointed themselves as director of interior design.They have laid out rules about what you can and cannot do concerning the decorating of your home! What??? Apparently, if you have certain items in your home, your home is now considered outdated, as well! In order to be "with it" you need to "free" yourself of said items. Not only that, certain colors, patterns and textures should only be used. The sad part about the whole thing is that I see it breeding discontent in the hearts of many women. Women who before thought their homes were lovely have bought into all of this and now feel like their homes are no longer beautiful. It even has them starting to question their own tastes. This can lead to much unhappiness and we all know what happens when Mama isn't happy:o)
I would like to strongly suggest to "for get a bout it!" Decorate your homes in the manner in which you love ~ as long as you and your family are happy that is all that matters. Let's focus on creating homes that are comfy and cozy, well loved and well lived in. Your home should be an expression of who you are, not just the same old, same old cookie cutter house that everybody else has. So ladies, let us be proud of our homes and be content with what the good Lord has blessed us with! As long as you have love in your house, then it is indeed, a beautiful home:)

October 19, 2008

A Simple Little House
Last week my friend Kelli did the most beautiful post by using this lovely poem she had found in a magazine. She encouraged other's to do it so I decided to give it a try. I had so much fun going back through my archives to find the appropriate pictures to match up with the words. You should try it, too! Thanks, Kelli, for a wonderful idea!

I like a little simple house
With flowers by the door,

An ample larder for my needs
And not much more in store.

I like a window toward the sun
And doors that open wide,
The trickle of a bath for birds
With feathered friends beside.

I like a tiny nook inside

Where my books and slippers lie,
A cup of tea,
A magazine,
A warming hearth nearby.

I'd like some trinkets on the sills,
White ruffles at the panes,

The comfort of a sturdy roof
To shelter me from rains.

I like the cozy ambiance,
A place of sweet retreat.

Where life unfolds along the way

And each new day's a treat!
By~Virginia Borman Grimmer

October 17, 2008

Kitty Approved

Tonight we are attending a baby shower for our first grand baby! When Mr. P finished putting the stroller together we put it aside and busied ourselves with other things. A few minutes later we looked over and this is what we saw:

Annabelle used to be Gerry's cat until he got married and then she came to live with us. I'm wondering if this is her way of letting him know she's still his first baby;)

October 16, 2008

The Happy Family

Kim asked if I would share some of the pictures from the book that I talked about in my last post so here they are!! The book was written by Nicole (no last name) and pictures are by Corrine Malvern.

When Miss Bonnie finished reading the book she said, "the Mom wore the prettiest outfits." lol I agree, Miss Bonnie. Don't you just love the sweet and simple depiction of everyday family life back then?

October 15, 2008


Several weeks ago I was visiting one of my very favorite blogs, Warm Pie, Happy Home. As I was reading the post Ruthann had written, (one of my very favorite people BTW;) something caught my eye. The picture I was seeing looked very, very familiar to me. Much to my surprise I then realized it was a page out of one my favorite childhood books that my Mama use to read to me! I have such wonderful memories of that time, even now all the more special since my Mama has Alzheimer's. Somehow through my growing up years the book had gotten lost and forgotten. I emailed Ruthann inquiring about the book and she was kind enough to send me all the info. Sure enough, IT WAS THE BOOK I REMEMBERED!! Well, I knew I had to find a copy so I went to the best source I knew which was EBay! And guess what? They had a copy!!!! What's the title you ask? Well, it's The Happy Family. I remember thinking when I was a little girl I wanted to grow up and have a happy family just like I read about in the book. I loved how the mother cared for her home and family and I knew I wanted to do the same! Well, that was over 43 years ago and I am happy to report that the good Lord did indeed bless me with a wonderful, happy family, and I also have the privilege to be home and care for them!

October 12, 2008

Apple Festival
Saturday was a perfect day to hop in the car and drive to the Carter Orchard Apple Festival located atop the beautiful mountains in Charlottesville!! Beautiful blue skies and lovely scenery made for a "picture perfect" day. Mr. P and I enjoyed all the sights and sounds of the festival, and of course, we couldn't help but bring a little "apple goodness" home with us! I'd never tried an apple cider donut before and with just one bite I knew it wouldn't be my last! YUM YUM We also bought some apple caramel cookies but somehow the "cookie monster" in our house gobbled them up before I could get a pic! To round out the goodies we got apple butter, apple cider, and lots and lots and lots of apples! I see the makings of dumplings, applesauce, and pies in my near future:)

"Anyone can count the seeds in an apple, but only God can count the number of apples in a seed.” Robert H. Schuller