I don't know if any of my blog friends are still around, but if you are, I thought you would like to hear the news that my Miss Bonnie is engaged! Almost five years ago I wrote a post (with her permission, of course) about her heart that had been broken by a young man that she thought was the "one." She had me ask on her behalf for your prayers, and you all were overwhelmingly supportive of her, as I knew you would be. Believe me when I tell you that she cherished each and every prayer, word of encouragement, even some of your own personal heartbreak stories that you generously shared. So, along with the Lord's help, and time, her heart finally mended. She made a conscious decision to rejoice in her single hood, and left it up to the Lord if He saw fit to give her the gift of a mate. The next few years were spent serving Him, and just being happy in her single hood.
Much love,
Susan P.